
Nov 18, 2006

Comic Relief And Cursing

Yawn. Check out those teeth eh? Couldn't even keep my eyes open for comic relief. They are doing a show to raise money reubuild after Huricaine Katrina However, I did catch a bit of it while typing out this entry. Somehow I had it in my head we were watching CBS. I nearly fell over when the cursing started. I mean you just don't hear that kind of language on regular TV. This guy was going on an on about something I couldn't type here without a "R" rating. And somebody bleeping every other word. Turns out the show is on HBO. Of course. You can say "kitty" (substitute word) as many times as you want on HBO.

Whoopie said something about a simulcast on TBS. I can just see the scrambling to bleep out all the cussing. Yikes.

Sleeping nearly 20 hours a day right now. I guess my immune system needs to replenish. I hope this changes soon. I'd like to be able to function again.

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1 Comment:

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Nice blog and site BTW.