
Jan 20, 2007

Snow Across The Plains

Did someone order snow? Well we got some here!
Between last night and today we have 6 inches of fluffy white snow on the ground.

Beneath that we have a layer of melted off snow and about 2 inches of ice that never got a chance to melt. We had to clear off the front porch twice today just so we could open the door.

Now, it is snowing harder than it has all day. We could be snowed in by morning. Yikes.

So, what else is new?

  • I'm hard at work on an e-book. Nearly done!
  • I cleaned up all the files on my computer -- took me over a week.
  • I organized all my email accounts and folders as well
  • I had a lovely visit with my father
  • My ankle is broken-- a nasty fall on the ice. Yuck
  • I've submitted a book of poems for publication
Keep warm. Keep writing. See ya soon.
I promise to visit blogs again as soon as humanly possible.