
Nov 20, 2006

5 reasons I'm not ready for Christmas!

1. Quite frankly the stores seem to skip Thanksgiving and that really ticks me off.
2. Personal property taxes are due at this time of year in Kansas. (Humbug)
3. Who wants to shop right now? The malls are a zoo.
4. The reason for the season has been completely forgotten.
5. I'm too poor.

I think I'm cancelling Christmas this year.
Yep. That's my idea. I'm going to ignore Christmas. No presents. No cards. I'll save a bundle. I won't get stressed out and I won't have to cook a huge meal. Sounds like a plan.

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1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean!!! Some years it sneaks up on you and all you can do is think god I wish this wasn't on for another couple of months!