Sep 28, 2006
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What do we do to stop stupid people? |
Sep 27, 2006
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Banned Books Week |
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I'm a Project Runway Junkie |
I know. I know. Not everyone likes fashion, or reality shows. I am not into the high fashion world. I just like to watch. I love the bickering. Watching it fascinates me. There have been so many scandals just this season. One designer got kicked off for using books and materials. Now, another designer might have cheated and had another person sewing for him. Wow, a big no-no. If you want more info on the show, it runs on Bravo. Quite frankly, I had my hopes on Laura or Michael winning. I think Uli puts out the same basic thing week after week and I cannot stand Jeff. (no it isn't the tatoo's or his language) I don't care for his fashions.
I think Michael consistently puts out GREAT looks. His coffee filter dress on episode one was my favorite and several of his designs have been my fave since.
So, if it is Wednesday night. Set your Tivo or DVR or televison. I do.
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Kick-starting my muse |
Many established authors have been known to have trouble with writer's block at times. I hear it is normal. What about emerging writer's? Yes, we struggle with our muse as well. I've been writing since I could hold a pencil. I wrote my first complete poem at nine years old, and published a piece in junior high school. Yet I still struggle at times with empty pages.
During those times I have strategies. Sometimes I use story starter prompts from several books I own like: Writers Idea Book by Jack Heffron, or Pocket Muse by Monica Wood. I have a whole collection of books, and I get some prompts by private email from groups I have joined. Sometimes I even using writing prompt sites like this one at Writing Fix or this one I found on an author site.
For me, there are extra complications due to my illness and all the medications I take. I have troubles with short-term memory and concentration. I blame some of it on the illness itself and some on the liver functions which really messes with my ability to process information. When my functions are really out of whack--Like they have been these past few months-- it is difficult to get anything done, let alone write sentences that are coherent.
Thankfully, I see the hepatologist tomorrow!!!!! I hope we start to get everything back to normal so I can start to see my muse more often and have to rely on my strategies less and less.
If you have troubles, feel free to share them in my comments section.
Sep 25, 2006
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Wanting |
Photo credit
Well most writers do something. I've been submitting to small press and contests. The hard part is waiting to hear back. I want people to know I exist.
Sep 24, 2006
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DooWop Music on PBS |
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Bindi Pays Tribute to her Father Steve Irwin |
We have all been saddened by the recent death of Steve Irwin the "Croc Hunter"
In the following video his eight year old daughter pays her tribute to her father.
Sep 21, 2006
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Health Update |
Then, I started feeling like my back hurt all the time. It felt like my kidneys were on the attack (something that scares the bloody heck out of any Lupus patient). I dragged myself to the doctor only to find out I had a raging kidney infection and my colitis had flared up. Great! Just what I needed while I was NOT ON a immunosuppressant. Great time for my body to be sick. More medictions, drink cranberry juice and try to feel better.
Did the bad news stop there? NOPE. The doctor also found my blood sugar had been too high as well. Now, I get to prick my finger twice a day and keep track of highs and lows. I also have to regulate my sugar intake and work to eliminate excess carbohydrates as they turn to sugar in the body.

Sep 19, 2006
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Can writing heal the soul? |
Can writing heal the soul?
Every day someone puts out another self-help book, article or e-book. We all browse through them at a bookstore or even online. I'm thinking of writing one about my journey from a healthy, busy schoolteacher to someone at home on social security with Lupus.
I write short stories and poems all the time. A lot of my writing has to do with my life and experiences. So, yes I belive writing heals.
As I struggle through my illness (which has taken a serious turn for the worst in the past two months) I find writing, blogging and sharing is about the only thing that makes me feel I am healing within.
MY ADVICE: Go with your heart. Write when the need arises. For me, that means daily.