I'm so tired. Christmas wore me out. I've been reading a few books, spending time with family and catching up on rest. I know I have neglected this blog...what can I say. My son was here, I've been loading a bunch of stuff on my new laptop and just generally trying to get recharged.
My father is coming from Hawaii on the 8th. I'm ready.
Dec 28, 2006
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After Christmas exhaustion |
Dec 23, 2006
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My Christmas was TODAY |
Stayed up till 2 am putting together a train for a toddler. Needless to say my eyes have been begging to close all day. The look on my grandson's face was priceless. His eyes were HUGE and his mouth dropped open as he said, "Oh choo choo" He didn't even want to open most of the rest of the presents. He played with the train set until the train started to slow down. Then he got out his adorable blow up punching gloves and proceeded to go around "bopping everyone" as they started drifting off in their chairs.
My son loved his sweaters and PSP handheld game with case and games. My daughter got hand made jewelry, scrapbooks of the babies, and clothes for job interviews. I got a new laptop from Dell. (woooooooooo hoooooooooooooo), a fabulous sweater and jeans which are 2 sizes smaller than last year due to my dieting.
I also got some great software and graphics manipulation software and a new thesaurus. Dana got porcelain clay, a new laptop, a world radio and tee shirts.
I cannot believe I didn't get a clock radio (even though I begged for one) I didn't get the new Holly Lisle book and the writing program I wanted. Oh well. No such thing as a perfect holiday.
Dec 18, 2006
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I took a tumble. |
Yep, I'm a klutz. I fell down and couldn't get up. It wasn't funny. I'll be out of commission for a while. (picture me right now with an ankle the size of a cantaloupe) I'm sitting in my recliner with my foot propped on two pillows, in complete agony. Pain pills are NOT HELPING!!!
The only bright side to the picture is that my son is home for Christmas so I am one very happy camper. He flew in last night. Apparently Unlce Sam can only spare him for one measly week so he has to go back before Christmas day but I'll take what I can get. In the meantime, we are laughing at old jokes and he loves the babies. (I'm not sure he likes the noise level)
Jaden just adores him. He bounced up onto his lap and shouted ---Unlce Maffyoooooooo.
I've been showing him the pictures of Matthew on the walls for a couple of months now getting him prepared for the visit.
Matthew came home with gifts for everyone. He even had a fuzzy bone for the dog. The crazy thing... it didn't have a squeaky in it. Instead, it barked when you squeezed it. Boo Boo has been carrying it around the house all afternoon.
That's my son for ya! He even got a present for the dog. (smile)
Dec 15, 2006
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Leave comments on wordpress account |
Okay I have had it!!!
I'm switchin for real this time. Blogger and Blogger Beta cannot even leave comments for each other. If you want to leave me a comment and you get stuck go to my newly created wordpress blog and leave comments there.
Busy day today.... defrag needs done, hair is so shaggy a cut is long overdue, and my house needs a maid.... (not me) unfortunately I cannot afford a maid so I have to clean it!
Getting the Christmas decorations out of storage too. I'll post a picture as soon as I get the tree up.
Dec 14, 2006
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10 Things Every Aspiring Writer Should Know |
10 Things Every Aspiring Writer Needs to Know
- Your equipment is key. Keep it in good working order. Never be without a pen and paper. Keep a journal by your bed for notes about dreams. Try using a small tape recorder if you don’t want to have to jot things down in public. For people with arthritis this is a great alternative. They are very reasonable at Walmart and Best Buy these days, you can pick one up for less than $30.
- Make time to write on a schedule. I write every day. If you treat your writing like a hobby it will stay a hobby. Treat it with respect. Write when you feel energized. Don’t squeeze in a few minutes every once in a while or you won’t be happy with your results.
- Everyone experiences writers block at some time or another. Don’t allow yourself to stay stuck. Walk away from the project for a while. Introduce your character to a comic book character and have them go out to lunch. Do something to stimulate your mind instead of giving up or wallowing in pity. Ask critique groups for help. Do not allow yourself to be distracted for days and weeks by time wasters on the Internet. Find a new place to start the story and return to your problem area at a later time.
- Never think you’ve learned enough. Keep reading about writing. Keep reading books in the genre in which you intend to publish. Every good author will tell you that practice is what it is all about. Even after having written four or five good books keep up the skills, keep reading and learning.
- Find your own voice. Nobody wants to read a copycat book. You may love certain authors and even a particular genre. Make sure you adopt your own style. Give your writing your own recognizable flair.
- Learn to proofread your work. Spell checking your writing is not enough. We all know how many errors get through both the spelling and grammar programs. Learn to recognize simple mistakes. There are tons of books, which can be quite helpful and should be kept within arms reach. Among these should be: a good dictionary or use an online version, of course the standard Strunk and White, a thesaurus to start. I also use some great tools at Reference Desk online and Library Spot.
- Learn how and where to use commas. I know I struggle with this one. There are tons of resources available for learning proper comma usage. Begin by doing a Google search. I also have some links in my editing section. The old “put a comma in where you would take a breath” rule is not always the best policy. Read up on the issue. Decide for yourself. Remember that readers pause with every comma you insert into your writing.
- Less is more. While wordiness might serve you well in descriptions it could lose you valued readers if they become bored. Simplify at all times. Most writers who suffer from wordiness actually have trouble with passive voice. If you don’t know this term it is time to look it up. OWL has the best handouts I’ve seen for explaining passive voice and active voice. One online course I took showed me how much I overused passive voice. I’m not cured yet. Try here for more information.
- Keep your characters straight. Nothing says new writer louder than a story where the protagonist has blonde hair in the first chapter and is a brunette in chapter fourteen. Use note cards or a writing software program to keep track of all the little details. Make out character sheets on all characters. It will help later. Trust me on this one. As for the best software program; each person is different. I have tried several. Many I did not like at all. None of them write for you, however some are quite good at organizing notes, plot and characters along with other options.
- Know where to begin. The hook is the most important part of your story. If an editor doesn’t like the first few sentences he/she will not keep reading. This is the same with many readers. Some readers ignore prologues. Get your reader involved immediately. Make them feel sorry for your character or hate them right away. Do not start with scenery. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I put a book down because it went on for six pages about how cold it was in Detroit. No kidding. I never would have guessed that without reading the book, NOT!
Technorati Tags:Ten Tips+ Aspiring Writers, guidelines for newbies, writewize suggests, fiction advice
Dec 12, 2006
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Did I mention being in print? |
Several months ago a little mouse friend of mine told me about Cats Meow, an ezine for writers and readers. I sent off a few short stories and poems. Getting an email saying your story will be in an upcoming newsletter is a great feeling. Actually having the issue come out and seeing your name and story printed on the web page feels like heaven. So, today the issue is out. Check out my two poems and my Lupus story here.
Naturally, you are looking for the stories by Kay/writewize. I cannot believe there is a slight problem with the web address on the ezine but I'm still thrilled.
I'm nearly finished with an ebook I've been working on in secret as well. More details soon. It is for aspiring writers.
Bring on the comments. I'm so happy!!!!!
Oh, I actually risked germs and illness to go to Walmart today. Yes me.... (the one with a compromised immune system) I bought a few Christmas gifts and some address label stickers so I could reprint new ones for a project I am working on. Also picked up "The Devil Wears Prada". I've heard it is very good.
Dec 11, 2006
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Workshop generating fantastic ideas |
Wowsers, the muse is awake. Thanks to the lessons in the workshop ebook I bought. Did I mention how cool it is? My fingers are getting numb from typing so much. I need more programs to keep track of my notecards and ideas.
I had NO IDEA there was a formula for determining how many scenes you should have per book, per chapter and per character. Thanks Holly. Read the section about Book math.
I ventured further into the book and checked out Lazettes information on short stories. She really breaks it down and lets me know WHY my short stories have not done well in contests and have been rejected lately. Yep, apparently I stray from the topic a bit too much. In a novel it is okay to explore the idiosyncracies of the character. In a short story there just isn't time to stray. I have no trouble with obstacles. My problem is pulling away from those obstacles and travelling down the path to ideas that aren't necessary for a short story. Danger is necessary. Thanks. I tend to forget that! It seems so simple. I get tied up and lost in all the details. I guess I'm really a novel writer. Short stories make me feel limited. Yet I want to write a few and feel successful.
The more of the workshop I read the more I realize I am doing things right. I have been all along. I think writers doubt themselves more than people in other fields. We work alone. We sit facing a computer screen or writing on paper and we have relatively little feedback until our project is finished or nearly finished.
If you were raised like me you thrive on feedback. What do I do? I meet with other authors. I go to workshops when I am able to schedule it and afford it. I read a lot of books and author blogs. Holly Lisle has an entire site devoted to helpful articles and information for aspiring authors. There are hundreds of other places to find people and resources if you are just starting out. I have some resources listed in my Links sections and Resources sections and several other authors in my Writers Blogroll. Check them out.
Technorati Tags:resources, Holly Lisle workshop, writing ideas, short stories
Dec 10, 2006
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Writing Workshop E-book Splurge |
Technorati Tags:writewize , writing more, workshop +joy
<<===== I bought this today! Lucky Lucky me!! Yep, I meant it when I said I intended to return to some serious writing. I let myself fall into a pit of doubt and let my writing falter. Over the last few days I've been pulling out some of my favorite books to inspire my muse. Nothing seems to be working, so I thought a bit of a crash course or workshop was in order. Hey, if you want one, all you have to do is click the link here or at the top right of my page and you can order the ebook for only $6.00.
For an ebook of over 250 pages you just cannot beat the price.
I think by now, everyone who reads my blog on a regular basis (uhhh that would be Beth Ann) knows I simply adore Holly Lisle. She is one author who shares her knowledge with other aspiring writers and helps them by putting out a lot of free information on her site.
I have heard great things about Lazette, and of course she is involved with the wonderful Vision ezine which no writer should miss, so I feel I am in capable hands.
Naturally, I glanced at the Table of Contents as soon as I downloaded it. I cannot wait to read the chapter on grumpy writers. Holly wrote that one. (of course) I'm also quite interested in the chapter which will tell me if I should really let my book die or if it is salvagable. I will have to keep ya'll posted on that issue.
Dec 9, 2006
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Word Painting Gets Me Thinking |
Both of these books are must haves. Buy them, borrow them, and check them out of your local library or whatever just, Please READ them!!!
I’m on Chapter Six in Word Painting:
Bringing Characters to life through description.
Rebecca talks about moving past the mere “christening” of the character. The naming of the character is the easy part. Now they need to begin to breathe. Are they plump, or middle-aged, do they wear saggy socks? Be sure to “look at the character through the eyes of other characters”. Wow.
Makes me want to go back to my Silent Darkness novel again. Ditching a project after so much effort was the wrong choice. I’ve invested in my characters. I’ve given them life. I’ve delved into my protagonist’s inner world. I know how she thinks, what she likes and dislikes, what she eats for breakfast and what kind of laundry soap she uses.
Rebecca tells us to be careful about physical descriptions. If we go too far the reader may be overwhelmed and not know what to focus on. I’ve felt that way a few times when reading fantasy novels. She goes on to discuss the character’s environment and surroundings.
“Characters reveal their inner lives-their preoccupations, their values, lifestyles, likes and dislikes, fears and aspirations- by the objects that fill their hands, houses, offices, cars, suitcases, grocery carts and dreams” (page 126) .
This woman makes me want to pick up my pencil and write!!!
Technorati Tags:word painting, writing fiction, books +buy
Dec 8, 2006
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Trying to get back on track with writing |
I know I've been a little "off topic" lately. It has been a rough few months. Well, I need to get BACK ON TRACK WITH WRITING. I've let my health issues get me down, and I've procrastinated, goofed off and been blog surfing too much. This all has to stop interfering with my writing time.
I finished all my medical tests. Yep, I survived the colonoscopy (for those who aren't sure what that is....)yesterday and an abdominal sonogram today so I'm FINISHED with medical crap for the next few months other than an appointment to talk about all the results. If someone else wants to do an IV on me I think I'll scream.
From now on all the medical junk will only be in my stories.
Oh, I made the cutest Handprint Christmas Wreath and fingerprint Holly Wreaths this morning. You can find the patterns to make lots of fun Crafts here.
Technorati Tags:colonoscopy, Christmas crafts, toddlers, handprint wreath
Dec 6, 2006
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I need Strength Today! |
Man I wish I could crawl under something. I'm prepping for a colonoscopy today. YUCK!
I have to stay on a clear liquid diet all day. No real food, just green jello and chicken broth. I found this Tarot card test at Beth Ann Allen's Blog
You are Strength
Courage, strength, fortitude. Power not arrested in the act of judgement, but passing on to further action, sometimes obstinacy.
This is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. In some cards she opens the lion's mouth, in others she shuts it. Either way, she proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. That forces can be controlled and used to score a victory is very close to the message of the Chariot, which might be why, in some decks, it is Justice that is card 8 instead of Strength. With strength you can control not only the situation, but yourself. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor. It can also stand for a steadfast friend.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Dec 5, 2006
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Cookies, Cookies Cookies |
I have a recipe for diabetics who like cookies.
Low-Sugar-Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
(Recipe courtesy of Hershey's ~ 3 dozen)
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
1/4 cup sugar granulated sugar substitute
to equal 1/2 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons Hershey's Cocoa
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons skim milk
1/3 cup Hershey's Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips
1. Heat oven to 375°. In medium bowl, beat butter, and sugar substitute until well blended. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt; add alternately with milk to butter mixture, beating until well blended. Stir in chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 7 to 9 minutes or just until set. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.
Per 1 cookie: 50 calories, 1 g protein, 3 g fat, 5 g carbohydrate, 5 mg cholesterol, 50 mg sodium
Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 1/2 fat
These taste GREAT and do not have a diet taste. They are also great for diabetics like ME.
Remember, not all people can eat holiday goodies.
Hey, check this out. Kinda funny.
Dec 4, 2006
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Bear with me through my changes... |
I bet you noticed a few changes... How could ya miss 'em!!! LOL!
Hang in there while I figure out how everything works and get all my old links and such back up and running.
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Reading, Writing and Snow. |
- I put the novel on the back burner and have been doing some ghostwriting.
- If anyone ever asks me to write 20 keyword articles on one subject again...
remind me to SAY No. (or just shoot myself and put myself out of misery fast) - I've been reading more aricles, ebooks and resources on "how to" write, flesh out characters, plot and get writing accomplished.... Funny thing. I'm not writing much.
- I need to snap out of this Depression. (the pills aren't working)
- Ick, I have a colonoscopy on Thursday. More information than you wanted eh?

I wanna go Christmas shopping. Kinda hard to do when you have less than $63 to your name.
Technorati Tags:update, depression, snowball fight, flat broke
Dec 3, 2006
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Snow Makes My Holidays Feel Right |
I say Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I'm a California Girl transplanted to the Midwest. I simply adore newly fallen snow and it isn't Christmas in my heart without loads of the fluffy white stuff all around. Humbug to others who disagree.
Christmas is going to be very different around my house anyhow. Most people are out hitting all the shops. Around here, I don't have two nickels to rub together. I sent out cards to people who I know are worse off than me. I'm an "Angel". I send greetings and cards out weekly to shut-ins. People who have chronic illnesses (uhhh, kinda like me) I started doing it to cheer myself up. I did it to make people smile.
I serve meals to homeless on holidays. This year, earlier in the year.... I was turned away. YOU HEARD ME RIGHT. TURNED AWAY. WHY, you ask? Well, someone at the shelter was afraid I might FALL DOWN and hurt myself. Okay, I use a cane. I am disabled. Is that any reason to tell a well-meaning volunteer to go away when they come to HELP others?
I was in shock.
I may not have two nickels to rub together, but I have always given to others. ALWAYS.
I believe in GIVING. It is the reason we have Christmas (or whatever else you may celebrate)
I have always donated and or given to:
- warm clothes and blankets to shelters
- toys for tots
- adopted a family (even it it wasn't much)from the Walmart Angel Tree
- put money in the Salvation Army Kettle
So, my one wish this year has been for a white Christmas when my son comes home. I know it is a hassle for some people when they travel. I know. I won't have a stack of presents under my tree. All I want for Christmas is snow, and a few days to hug my son before I have to give him back to Uncle Sam.
Technorati Tags:Christmas, snow, Giving
Dec 2, 2006
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A litte Meme today |
What is your occupation? Writer-former teacher- Disabled-mom- grandmother-enough??
2. What color are your socks right now? white
3. What are you listening to right now? the washing machine
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a mint
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Heck no. I might hurt someone.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue My grandsons fave and mine!!
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My foster daughter.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I swiped it! (shhh, don't tell)
9. How old are you today? 44 and still kickin'
10. Favorite drink? Good ole fashioned water
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? Chiefs Football
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Ewww-- don't have to do that. I'm a redhead.
13. Pets? yep, adorable doggie.
14. Favorite food? Chicken Alfredo
15. What was the last movie you watched? You, Me and Dupree.
16. What was the last book you read? I just started "Bad Idea" (won it online)
17. What do you do to vent anger? Stop talking
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Lego's
19. What is your favorite season, fall or spring? Spring
20. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
21. Cherries or blueberries? Cherries I guess.
22. Do you want your friends to blog you back? I guess.
23. Who is most likely to respond? Beth Ann
24. Who is least likely to respond? I dunno.
25. Living arrangements? Uhhhh a house--
26. When was the last time you cried? While watching Brokeback Mountain.
27. What is on the floor of your closet? a whole lot of boxes and stuff
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? Lorrie
29. If there was a fire in your house what would you take with you? my grandson, my laptop, my dog.
30. Favorite smells? Chocolate.
31. What inspires you? words, art. love.
32. What are you afraid of? not much.
33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? plain...or with cheese.
34. Favorite dog breed? Poms, like mine.
35. Number of keys on your key ring? 1, to my house. I cannot drive.
36. How many years at your current job? 7
37. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
38. How many states have you lived in? 4 I think,
39. Favorite holidays? Thanksgiving.
40. Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? nope
Technorati Tags:meme, pomeranians, personal
Dec 1, 2006
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World AIDS Day |
Yes folks I have been touched by it --PERSONALLY. My twin sister Died of ARC- AIDS related complex on March 17, 1996. She had been HIV positive for around 13 years. She lived in S. F. California. She used IV drugs and lived her life on the streets for years. She engaged in risky behaviours for years. She shared needles with other homeless people when she shot up heroine, and she had unprotected sex when AIDS was spreading fast through S. F. She also had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) and he engaged in these same risky behaviours.
Back then, in the early 1980's people didn't know a lot about why a lot of men were dying. They didn't understand the IV drug use connection. When I first heard about AIDS, I knew one day I would get a call from a morgue saying my sister was dead. I knew she would have the disease.
Sure enough, she told me about four years before her death that she had AIDS. She lived on the edge in her teen years and it was her rebellion that led to her death. She ignored the voice of reason.
When you think of all the HIV positive people in the world, or the people who have died. Think of ways you can protect not only yourself. TEACH others. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN. Teach them to practice SAFE SEX. Teach them NOT TO USE DRUGS. Make sure they understand!
My children knew that if they did those things they could end up like Aunt Diana. They knew they could get sick and DIE. It is very serious. Children need to know. If you need to know more about AIDS please check out some organizations. Google the word AIDS. Call your health department.
Here is the Wikipedia article on AIDS
Technorati Tags:World AIDS day, AIDS awareness, sister, AIDS knowledge